A renewed warning to be aware of Viruses & Cryptolocker RansomWare, Scam emails and hackers. There has been a world wide cyber attack with over 200,000 affected cases already confirmed.
Be alert, this new attack is very sophisticated and it is the first of its kind to be seen. This virus can spread through an entire network rapidly and is not necessarily received via email.
If you receive a virus or are even concerned you may have a virus, do the following:
- Turn off the computer straight away
- Call Consulting IT
- Notify all staff to be alert
If you receive a virus on more than 1 computer:
- Shut down every computer you have
- Call Consulting IT
Possible warning signs may be:
- Unable to access files
- Strange error messages
- PC background changes
There is already 1 confirmed case in Australia and another 2 potential cases yet to be confirmed. The nature of this virus is such that it could spread rapidly.